Bokaro students shine in NTSE exam

Bokaro: Proving their mettle sixteen students of Delhi Public School Bokaro shined in the National Talent Search Examination Exam (NTSE) 2019 conducted by NCERT.

Among those sixteen ten students grabbed the top ten positions in the state. The students who cleared the examination with flying colours are Satwik Singh (Rank 3), Varun Tandon (Rank 4), Priyanshu Ranjan (Rank 4), Avinash Kumar Sinha (Rank 4), Ashutosh Kumar Sinha (Rank 8), Niranjan Verma (Rank 8), Utsav Shekhar (Rank 8), Vivek Kumar (Rank 8), Utkarsh Kumar (Rank 10), Jayant Sethi (Rank 10), Deepanshu Kumar (Rank 11), Ankur Panday (Rank 11), Sandeep Murmu (Rank 12), Rishav Mishra (Rank 13), Aryan Sah (Rank 13) and Sahil Kumar (Rank14), informed Mritunjay Sharma Administrator of the school.

NTSE is a national-level scholarship program as well as one of the most prestigious examinations in India at the Secondary school level to identify and recognize students with high intellect and academic talent, he said.

Congratulating the students, Principal, DPS Bokaro, AS Gangwar said, every achievement is a result of hard work, persistence, learning from failure and dedication. “Such exams promote competitive temperament and enhance the academic talents of the students,” he added.

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