Amitabh Bachchan Pays Off Loans of 2,100 Farmers

RNS: Megastar Amitabh Bachchan has cleared the loans of over two thousand farmers from Bihar. Last year, Bachchan had supported 1,398 farmers from Uttar Pradesh and 350 from Maharashtra by paying off their loans.

“A promise made, done… the farmers from Bihar that had outstanding loans, picked 2100 of them and paid off their amount with an OTS (One Time Settlement) with the bank… called some of them over to Janak and personally gave it to them at the hands of Shweta and Abhishek,” Amitabh Bachchan wrote on his blog.

Bachchan said he called on some of the farmers to his residence and donated the amount at the hands of his children Shweta and Abhishek.

Bachhan also said he was on his way to honour another promise he made to the martyr families of the Pulwama terror attack.
“Now going to Janak to complete another promise… to give some monetary assist to the martyrs families, who sacrificed their lives at Pulwama…”

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