Over 250 illegal structures bulldozed to make way for expansion of Bokaro Airport

Bokaro: Over 250 slums, houses and structures erected illegally on the encroached lands surrounding to the Bokaro Airport was razed out under Sector 12 police station in Bokaro on Thursday.
For the expansion of Bokaro airport, anti-encroachment drives were conducted by the district administration and Bokaro Steel Plant management.
Bokaro airport is being developed to make domestic flights operational. The city is now scheduled to be connected from Kolkata and Patna airports from 15 November 2019, under the Regional Connectivity Scheme (RCS), said Diwakar Prasad Dwivedi Special Magistrate for eviction drive and CO Chas.
Meanwhile, few of the encroachers demanded two more days to free the land. We have given them some more time, said Dwivedi. “But anyhow they have to clear the encroachment by Friday,” he added. In case, if the encroaches failed to remove their structures by Friday, the administration will remove that and the encroachers will have to pay the penalty, said CO.
Over 400 houses along with Khatals are at this unauthorised slum adjacent to the boundary wall of the airport puts a halt on the expansion work would be razed out, he said.
Earlier the Estate Court Bokaro executed an eviction order for the people resident in the slum surrounding the airport. The court has given an ultimatum to the encroachers to leave the spot immediately and anyhow by 27 August.
The administration also appealed to the encroachers through the announcement, to vacate the site earliest.
Taking note on the directive of the estate court district the administration appointed special magistrate along with a large number of police force to tackle any adverse situation. The district administration also directed BSL management to completely disconnect the water and electric supply in those areas.

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