ISRO expresses gratitude to Indians and people in abroad for support after loosing contact with lander of Chandrayaan-2

Bengaluru: Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) got support from the entire nation, despite it losing communication with the lander ‘Vikram’ ahead of the touchdown on September 7, with people from all walks of life praising ISRO and its scientists for the achievement. “Thank you for standing by us. We will continue to keep going forward propelled by the hopes and dreams of Indians across the world!” ISRO tweeted on September 17. “Thank you for inspiring us to always aim for the sky,” ISRO said.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who had flown down to Bengaluru to watch the planned touchdown of Vikram, had told ISRO scientists not to get dejected and disheartened and said the country was proud of them.
“I see disappointment on your faces. No need to get dejected. We have learnt a lot,” Mr. Modi had said.
“These are moments to be courageous, and courageous we will be! We remain hopeful and will continue working hard on our space programme,” he had said.
Lander Vikram, with rover Pragyan housed inside it, lost communication with ground-stations during its final descent, just 2.1 km above the lunar surface, minutes before the planned touchdown on the Moon.
Efforts to re-establish the link have been going on since then. On September 8, ISRO had said the lander was spotted on the lunar surface by camera onboard of the Chandrayaan-2 orbiter. Vikram had a hard-landing.

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