DPS Bokaro Bags Futuristic School Award for Green Earth Initiative

DPS Bokaro has pioneered the cause of mitigating the environmental crisis for which it bagged the Futuristic School Award in the category of Environ Engage Award by Re-Thinkindia, New Delhi.

The award was conferred to the school for showing its social concern towards the degrading environment.

The criteria for the award was based on contemporary topics championed by the United National Environment Programmes. The in-depth analysis across 20 parameters included air, bio-safety, chemical and waste, disasters and conflicts, eco-systems, education and environment, energy, environment under review, environmental rights and governance, extractives, forest, gender, green economy, water etc.

Two more schools, Tagore International School, New Delhi and Seth M. R. Jaipuria School, UP besides DPS Bokaro received this award for their Green Earth initiatives.

Elated A.S.Gangwar, Principal DPS Bokaro said, “Education is about the holistic development of a child which is incomplete without the social commitments.  Understanding the ailing conditions of the earth, to meet the needs of the current generation without exploiting the resources and to sensitize the young minds towards sustainable development the school undertakes initiatives to instill a sense of belongingness to protect the environment. ”

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