Nirbhaya case convicts hanged to death in Tihar jail

RNS: Four Nirbhaya case convicts Pawan Gupta (25), Vinay Sharma (26), Akshay Kumar (31), and Mukesh Kumar (32), were hanged to death in Delhi’s Tihar jail early on Friday morning. In 2012 she was gang-raped and murdered. Nirbhaya’s mother Asha Devi was happy and emotional, “my daughter finally got justice today”, she said just after execution.

Director-General of Tihar jail Sandeep Goel, confirmed to reporters outside the prison that the four convicts were hanged together at 5.30 a.m. A doctor has examined and declared all four dead, he said.

A five-member panel of DDU forensic department, under the supervision of Dr. B.N. Mishra will do the postmortem at 8 a.m., said a Jail official.

“The convicts had not expressed any ‘last wish’, their belongings and money they earnt during their stay in jail will be handed over to their respective family members,” official added.

In last hearing at 2.30 a.m on Friday before a Supreme Court Bench failed to stay their hanging. Earlier, the convicts had approached the Delhi High Court, too, on Thursday night, media reported.

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