“Everyone – Feed Two” – ESL launches unique initiative to feed 10,000 daily wage earners

Bokaro: Vedanta Electrosteel (ESL) has come forward to provide food to daily wagers, homeless and other people affected by lockdown in view of the coronavirus pandemic in Bokaro.

In association with his employees, ESL has launched a unique initiative “Everyone – Feed Two”. As part of this unique campaign, 10,000 poor people will be given one month’s food (ration) by the contributions of ESL employees in the surrounding areas of the plant in Bokaro, informed Vivek Anand, PRO of ESL.

It’s our company President Anil Agarwal’s idea that every employee should feed a hungry as well as needy. We have taken this initiative, said Anand.

Inaugurating the initiative today Pankaj Malhan, Chief Executive Officer along with senior management of ESL S. Venkataraman, Jalaj Malpani, Abhishek Chhajar, and Sumit Burman handed over 30-day food grains (dry ration) to the needy families.

Due to lock-down, many daily wage earners have become unemployed and unable to meet their both end needs. “Under this program, each employee will provide one month’s ration to a minimum of two families till the lockdown over,” said Malhan.

ESL is constantly working for the welfare of the mass. Holistic development is our motto. We are on the move to improving the lives of people around our operational areas, he said.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi praised the Vedanta Group for contributing Rs 101 crore to the Prime Minister’s Care Fund and all efforts being made to liberate the country from this epidemic, said PRO.

The Prime Minister tweeted that the support given by Corporate India in the fight against COVID-19 is highly appreciated. He especially praised Vedanta’s invaluable contribution to the Prime Minister’s Care Fund and said that this step of Vedanta is a good initiative for Corona virus-free India, he said.

Vedanta is founded on the philosophy of giving back to society and in the current scenario is making an active contribution to help the needy, said the PRO.

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