PM Modi’s 7-point appeal to Indians

RNS: In his address to the nation on Tuesday morning, Prime Minister Narendra Modi asked citizens to cooperate by following seven steps. “If we Indians will keep patience and follow the rules, then we can defeat the coronavirus pandemic. With this faith, towards the end, I am asking your support on 7 points,” he said.

  1. PM has appealed to the citizens to take ‘extra care’ of senior citizens in their family, especially those who suffer from diseases as coronavirus is more common among people with weak immunity and senior citizens.
  2. Prime Minister urged the people to comply with the restrictions enforced during the lockdown as “Social distancing and lockdown have given India a major benefit”.
  3. Apart from taking special care of senior citizens, he urged the people to adopt guidelines issued by the Ayush Ministry to boost immunity.
  4. He requested the people to download the Aarogya Setu App launched by the central government to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. PM also urged the people to convince their fellow citizens to download this app. The Aarogya Setu App is available both on Google Play Store and Apple App Store.
  5. Apart from appealing Indians to follow Ayush guidelines to increase immunity and to respect the frontline workers, the Prime Minister also appealed to them to “Help the poor within their means and fulfill their basic needs such as food.”
  6. He also asked businessmen and companies to not terminate their employees in this time of crisis.
  7. In this appeal, the Prime Minister has urged the people to respect ‘corona warriors’, i.e, doctors, nurses, sweepers and police officers on the ground.

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