Bokaro: Homeopathy practitioners’ wants government nod to allow them for the treatment of COVID-19 patients by homeopathy medicines to save the country from the present epidemic.
Practitioners claimed that homeopathy medicines can prevent the infection from spreading inside the body. Homeopathy treatment could offer a solution to the Novel Coronavirus infection, which hits a person’s upper respiratory system, leading to serious illness or even death, said Dr Arun Sahabadi.
There are a large number of medicines available in homeopathy for the successful and authenticate treatment of bronchitis, cough, cold, flu, including others depending upon the symptoms and disorders of the patients, he said.
“Homeopathy can be extremely effective in treating chronic and long-term health problems, it also found that constitutional medicines not only cure the disease, but also strengthen the body’s immune system and thus prevent future occurrences of the disease,” he said.
“The treatment of homeopathy and medicines are also cost-effective,” he added.
I am assured, that homeopathy medicines may prove a boon in the fight against Coronavirus, said Dr Arun.
“I am having a long experience in treating patients of different ailment with homeopathy medicines. As per my experiences and according to the recent research and study on the Sars-Cov-2 virus, including the symptoms found in the infected patients, I can assure that homeopathy is effective in the prevention of virus infections,” said Dr Vandna another practitioner.
“As Novel Coronavirus is a large family of viruses that causes illnesses ranging from common cold to acute respiratory syndromes, can be cured within 72 hours after taking a combination of three-four homeopathy medicines till three days,” she added.
There is no need to stop other ongoing treatments as well as medicines during taking the homeopathy medicines, it can also be used along with Allopathic medicines.
“The patients on ventilators can also be treated. This medicine (combination) can be used by applying (rubbing) on his palm and feet on the interval of every 2 hours, which can give a good result in next 12 hours,” added Dr Vandna.
‘I want to serve the human being, the society as well as my nation. So again I am requesting for the government to allow us to treat the Coronavirus positive patients with our system (Homoeopathy),’ she said adding “I have written to all concerned to allow treatment of patients in hospital with homeopathy medicines to save all from the current pandemic.”