Bokaro boy qualifies Indian Junior Science Olympiad

Bokaro: Abhishek Roy, a class 8 student of DPS Bokaro, has emerged as the Indian Olympiad Qualifier in Junior Science (IOQJS) which was held online recently. Abhishek is among the five successful students from Jharkhand and the only one from Bokaro to qualify for this prestigious exam.

The students who will qualify for the final phase of the exam will be given an opportunity to represent India in IJSO 2021 to be held at UAE, wherein almost 95 countries will participate, informed by the school authority.

Indian Olympiad Qualifier in Junior Science (IOQJS) is jointly organised by the Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT) and Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)– HBCSE (TIFR). The exam is equivalent to the secondary school level of CBSE. All the basic subjects of science (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) and Mathematics have equal emphasis.

Congratulating Abhishek, Principal, DPS Bokaro A. S. Gangwar said, “Your hard work and dedication is inspiring. May this fire to learn and explore remain ignited in you always. All the best for the future.”



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