Six months ban on Strike, Protest, Procession, March, Demonstration in Bokaro

#Bokaro surpasses 11,000 marks; reports 2534 active Covid-19 cases with 116 deaths

RNS: Bokaro saw a major boost in fresh cases in COVID-19 during past few days amidst the partial lockdown (Health Safety Week) announced by the state government in a bid to contain the second surge in coronavirus infections.

The district reported 3161 fresh COVID-19 positive cases and 32 deaths due to coronavirus infections since from the partial lockdown have been announced. Though, 1793 patients were recovered and discharged from COVID hospital in the same period, informed the district administrative official.

The district surpasses 11,000 marks, the total number of active cases rushed to around 2534 with 116 deaths in the district.

In view of the rising outbreak of global pandemic COVID-19, AK Pathak Civil Surgeon Bokaro appealed mass to strictly follow the SOP, administrative as well as government guidelines to curtail the spread.

“Be safe in your own homes. There is no need to be panic,” he urged.

A majority of fresh COVID-19 positive cases are being reported across the district during the past two weeks.

In order to prevent the spread of coronavirus and for the proper health management, Deputy Commissioner Rajesh Singh executed banned all types of strike, protest, march, demonstration for Six months with immediate effect.

“Exercising the powers conferred under various sections of the Disaster Management Act 2005 all types of gathering, strike, protest, procession, march, demonstration and all other activities which is prohibited under the contravention of section 144 is declared illegal has been banned in the district with immediate effect for six months,” added DC.

In case of violation of the order by any individuals, organizations or institutions would be punishable under the sections 51 to 60 of the Disaster Management Act and IPC under section 180, he said.

“This order will remain in force for the next six months.”

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