BJYM demands to increase vaccination centers across Bokaro Assembly constituency

RNS I Bokaro: Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha (BJYM) district’s former General Secretary Kunj Bihari Pathak has submitted a charter of demand for the public interest to the Deputy Commissioner of Bokaro, demanding to increase the number of vaccination centers across the Bokaro Assembly constituency.

Pathak asked the district administration to allot vaccination centers in the Northern displaced area in his four-point demand, keeping in mind the population.

Considering the population of Sector 8, Sector 9, and Sector 11 of the Bokaro township area, the district administration should allot a vaccination center in this area too.

In view of the population of rural areas under Pindrajoda police station, the district administration should allot a center here, it stated in the charter of demand.

Please also allow a vaccination center at the police line for cops and their families, it stated.

Pathak asked the Deputy Bokaro Commissioner to look into this issue personally to make it easy and early to vaccinate.

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