ESL organises ‘Covishield’ vaccination drive for its on-roll employees

RNS: ESL Steel Limited, a national steel manufacturer from the Vedanta Group, has organised a ‘Covishield’ vaccination drive for its on-roll employees. The week-long drive started from 2 June, has already covered 350 employees so far, informed a Public Relations Officer of ESL.

ESL is committed to the health and safety of its employees, religiously and meticulously organising vaccination drives for its workforce and family members, one after another. The steel major has been administering the vaccines received from the Vedanta Group to its employees and business partners, free of cost, informed the official.

ESL Steel CEO, N. L. Vhatte said, “Vaccinating all of our employees is our key priority at this time when the COVID-19 virus is jeopardizing lives across the nation. We have so far vaccinated thousands of our employees and this drive is specifically for those who did not get their first dose.

“I would urge all employees to come forward and take the vaccine so that everyone is protected against the virus and can continue with normal life. I would also like to thank Vedanta for being so considerate towards ESL,” he added.

ESL Steel is an employee-centric corporation that has been continuously working on vaccinating its workforce by conducting multiple vaccination drives to ensure that all its eligible employees get the required protection, thereby contributing to India’s fight against the pandemic.

Additionally, ESL has a medical facility and three ambulances stationed in its plant premises as a precautionary measure in case of any emergency.

The steel major has been proactive in protecting its employees and their families against Covid-19 by creating awareness within its plant premises. And with its structured sanitization and mask distribution drives, ESL ensures the complete protection of its employees.

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