‘Flying Sikh’ dies from Covid

RNS: Legendary athlete Milkha Singh, popularly known as the ‘Flying Sikh’ died of Covid-related complications at PGIMER hospital Chandigarh on Friday night. He was 91, tested positive for Covid on 20 May.

Singh is survived by a son and three daughters. His son Jeev Milkha Singh is also a renowned Golfer. His wife, Nirmal Kaur (85) a former volleyball captain, had died five days earlier, said a family member.

Singh was the first Indian athlete to win a gold medal at the Commonwealth Games (1958) in the 400m event; represented India at the Olympics in 1956, 1960 and 1964.

Singh was born in Pakistan of undivided India. His parents and siblings were killed by a mob during a division of India and Pakistan. Later Singh fled into the forest and eventually found a train to Delhi, where he was subsequently joined by the army.

Expressing his condolences Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Twitted, “In the passing away of Shri Milkha Singh Ji, we have lost a colossal sportsperson, who captured the nation’s imagination and had a special place in the hearts of countless Indians. His inspiring personality endeared himself to millions. Anguished by his passing away.”

“Dark clouds of sadness prevail with the demise of my idol and inspiration Milkha Singhji. His story of sheer determination and hard work inspired millions and will continue to do so. As a tribute to him, students of Usha School paid homage to the legend. Rest in Peace,” twitted PT Usha.

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