# International sports event “e-enzymes for life” to be held in India at Bokaro
RNS: In view of the sports technical proposal, “e-enzymes for life” gets a node from GAC to organize in India. Duo to Coronavirus pandemic this would be conducted in virtual mode for the first time in India.
Alister Dalrymple, Director (Strategy) of IOC-backed GAC, while interacting through virtual mode with SAIL, BSL’s Director in-charge Amarendu Prakash, has given in-principal approval to organise the event “e-enzymes for life” in India.
This much-awaited international VC made the first partner city of Bokaro proud and concluded cordially with total commitment to promoting sports adhering to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals to make the world a better place to live through Sports.
“e-Enzymes for life” would be a unique sport and well-being-related curriculum of people of all age and sex groups, informed Jaideep Sarkar International Coach & Lead Officer, Global Active City (GAC) Bokaro.
“It helps in building a strong desire and motivation towards sports and well-being. In an Indian sports ecosystem, there is dire need of this system which is yet to be cultivated for a better sporting yield,” added Jaideep.
Director-in-Charge, SAIL, Bokaro Amarendu Prakash, performed the welcome address by focusing the responsibility and commitment of Bokaro towards total Sports Development and praised the role of the GAC program.
He insisted that with the multidimensional aura of sports, Bokaro is on the move to become a Sports City in the days to come.
During the interaction Amarendu with the strong support of his team accepted both the important programmes to be hosted in India at Bokaro in close cooperation with the global bodies soon.
The report of the GAC programme at partner city Bokaro since the year 2020 added by new initiatives of SAIL in 2021 was projected by the lead Officer Jaideep, which was appreciated by the global authorities and forwarded to UNESCO for the needful through the Indian headquarter of UNESCO.
Michael Gross projected the Global Active City pathways with clearing GAC’s philosophy and pointed out the appreciable measures & initiatives taken by India’s first partner city Bokaro during this critical period.
Dalrymple elaborated the ways & measures for a stronger partnership offering the program of “e-Enzymes for life” and “World Active Cities Congress 2021” (virtual mode) to Bokaro in India to be attended by UN, IOC, and all the network cities across the World.
The interaction was held between the apex global authorities of the United Nations, International Olympic Committee supported Global Active City (GAC) and SAIL, BSL participated by Amarendu Prakash, Director in Charge, SAIL, Bokaro Steel Plant (BSL), Sameer Swarup, Executive Director, Personnel & Administration, SAIL BSL, B.S. Popli, Chief General Manager, Town Administration, SAIL BSL, Subhash Rajak, In charge Sports, SAIL-BSL; Jaideep Sarkar, International Coach & Lead Officer, GAC, Bokaro; Philipp P. Muller Wirth, Executive Officer & Observer, UNESCO, Sports & Youth; Gabriel Messmer, President, Evaleo & Global Active City programme, supported by IOC: Alister Dalrymple, Director (Strategy), GAC; Michael Gross, Director ((Projects), Evaleo & Global Active City programme; A. Watzlawick, Manager, Partnership Development Manager, Evaleo & Global Active City programme.