Japan declares state of emergency after spike in Coronavirus cases

RNS I Tokyo: The Japanese government declared a state of emergency in six areas, including the capital city of Tokyo, following a huge spike recorded in coronavirus cases.

Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said, “For the period until August 31, we have decided to apply the declaration of a state of emergency to Tokyo, Saitama, Chiba, Kanagawa, Osaka, and Okinawa Prefectures, and to apply priority measures to prevent the spread of disease to Hokkaido, Ishikawa, Kyoto, Hyogo, and Fukuoka Prefectures.”

The Japanese government asked that people abstain from leaving the house or travelling for non-essential or non-urgent reasons. The government advised to be careful and restrained as possible regarding returning to their hometowns during the summer and other travel.

“From now, we will focus on administering vaccines to people in the younger generation, with the aim of having more than 40 percent of the public finish receiving their second dose by roughly the last week of August,” said PM Suga.

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