RNS: The flame of the Amar Jawan Jyoti at India Gate has been merged with the flame of the National War Memorial in New Delhi on Friday. The ceremony to merge the Amar Jawan Jyoti Flames was presided over by Balabhadra Radha Krishna, the Chief of the Integrated Defence Staff of the Indian Army.
India Gate was inaugurated in 1931 as a memorial to the more than 70,000 soldiers of British India who sacrificed their lives. After the 1971 Indo-Pak conflict, the Amar Jawan Jyoti was set up, and later National War Memorial was inaugurated in February 2019 after a long wait and several considerations.
According to official government sources, the National War Memorial housed the names of all Indian martyrs from all conflicts, including 1971 and wars before and after it, therefore having the flame honouring martyrs there is a true tribute.