Modi talks to Putin, urges for immediate ceasefire, dialogue to resolve conflicts

RNS: Prime Minister Narendra Modi urged Russian President Vladimir Putin for immediate end of violence. In a telephonic conversation with Putin last night, Modi appealed for an immediate ceasefire and a return to dialogue to negotiation to resolve the conflict over Ukraine.

“The differences between Russia and NATO could only be resolved through “honest and sincere dialogue,” Modi said.

During the talk Putin briefed Prime Minister Modi about the recent developments regarding Ukraine, PMO office said in a communiqué.

PM appealed for an immediate cessation of violence, and called for concerted efforts from all sides to return to the path of diplomatic negotiations and dialogue, it said.

Modi also emphasised to Russian President Vladimir Putin India’s worry for the safety of Indian citizens in Ukraine, particularly students, and that India places the utmost importance on their safe withdrawal and return to the country of their origins.

Their representatives and diplomatic teams agreed to keep in touch on a regular basis about current events.

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