RNS: Indian steel giant ESL Steel Limited conducted an open drawing competition for students at PSM School in Siyaljori. This contest was held to encourage student participation and give them a chance to show off their hidden talents to the world, informed Public Relations official of ESL.
Students of classes 2 to 4, classes 5 to 8, and classes 9 to 12 were divided into three batches for the tournament, which had 340 participants from the district.
Ashok Kumar and Mukhi Chaudhary, Jury members from the Sangeet Kala Academy, handed the awards to the winners.
All of the participants, as well as the parents of the participants and the local villagers, participated in the event, which was organised by the PSM School Siyaljori, the ESL CSR team, the Sarthak team, and the ESL CSR CSR team.
The primary goal of putting on this event was to provide them a stage on which to demonstrate their creativity and to encourage a sense of victory, decision-making, and confidence in them.