RNS I Bokaro : DPS Bokaro wore festive look with colourful flays on 1st April 2022 during first assembly of the academic session 2022-23 bringing the whole school back together after a long span of two years.
The morning saw students with a new zeal and exuberance. It really was wonderful to see shining eyes peeking over the masks, as students arrived ready for the new school session today. The Principal lauded the support of the parents and guardians for assisting the children prepare for the first day of school. The assembly commenced with the school prayer followed by thought and news of the day. Class VI students then presented an enthralling fashion show and the students of Classes VIII & IX presented a dance performance on the occasion.
In the primary wing the tiny tots presented a welcome song followed by the dance performance on Ganesh Vandana by the students of Class V.
Principal, DPS Bokaro, A. S. Gangwar extended his happiness and blessings to the students for a fruitful beginning. He said, “It is great to see that the school campus is once again vibrant with the cheerfulness of children.”
“The aim for the first day back to school was to normalize the school hours, have students reacclimatise to the building, and re-establish positive connections with their classmates and teachers, all of which are essential for the successful learning and growth”, he added.