VFI loses recognition by Indian government

RNS: The Government of India de-recognised the Volleyball Federation of India (VFI), giving top priority to the national interest.

The Indian Olympic Association (IAO), including the International Volleyball Federation (IVF), also de-recognised the VFI.

According to the letter sent by the Sports Authority of India under the Government of India on 28 April 2022 to all the concerned officers and units, a national selection committee of top volleyball experts of the country was formed for the free selection of Indian men and women in all international volleyball competitions including the upcoming Asian Games.

The committee includes Arjuna and Dronacharya awardees and senior coaches of the Sports Authority of India (SAI).

The space was caused by the non-validation of the Volleyball Federation of India some so-called sports federations came to power, misleading players and running unrecognised national events.

Meanwhile, all types of certificates issued by the Volleyball Association of India after the year 2020 have been cancelled by the government, and other facilities, including concessions on railways, have been abolished by the government.

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