# Hundred of students had a close glimpse of stars, planets and celestial bodies.
RNS: An introductory session on galaxies, stars and planets – an overnight camp for the purpose to star gaze–using a special type of state-of-the-art space refractor Newton telescope was organized at DPS Chas for hundred of students from classes VI to IX and XI.
Mumbai’s renowned company Central Adventure and Holiday Pvt. Ltd. organised this ‘astronomical science camp’ which started from last night at 10 pm which continued till morning hours. Mumbai’s renowned company Central Adventure & Holiday Pvt. Ltd. organised this ‘astronomical science camp’.
The students got the opportunity to explore the night sky and observe some of the deep-sky objects like Planets, Nebulae, Galaxies, Clusters and Double Stars. It was all about discovering, learning, and enjoying the star-studded sky. It was an exciting activity that helped the students to reduce stress and boost their creative juices.
Dr. Hemlata S. Mohan the Chief Mentor of the school said that stargazing eases the mind and rejuvenates our spirit. Research has shown that it makes us more compassionate towards others. Stargazing experiences are ideal for anyone interested in astronomy and getting outside into the great outdoors is such bliss.
Deepali Bhuskute, the Officiating Principal on the occasion said that stargazing sparks the creative mind of the students. The world of the dark sky never gets boring at any point. There is always a new natural wonder to explore. The activity allowed students to view things from a different perspective every time they stepped out to the stargazing lounge. It raised great awareness and interest in Geography as well as developed a spiritual connection.
Suresh Agarwal, Secretary D S Memorial and Member DPS Chas expressed his joy over the hands-on experience that the students were exposed to and stated that the experiential learning imparted will develop the children’s interest in studies and help them better their learning.