Xi Jinping may skip attending G20 Summit in New Delhi

# US President Joe Biden expresses disappointment as Chinese President’s participation remains uncertain

New Delhi: With the highly anticipated G20 Summit just around the corner, speculations are rife over the possible absence of Chinese President Xi Jinping from the upcoming event.

This development has sparked disappointment among global leaders, including US President Joe Biden, who shared his feelings on the matter during a press interaction on Sunday.

“I am disappointed… but I am going to get to see him,” President Biden remarked when questioned about President Xi’s potential no-show at the G20 Summit, according to reports by BBC. Biden’s comment was made without revealing the venue or context of their meeting.

The uncertainty surrounding President Xi’s attendance was brought to light by a media report, prompting questions to the Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson, Wang Wenbin, during a media briefing in Beijing.

In response, Wang refrained from confirming or denying Xi’s participation, stating, “Of the Chinese leaders attending the G20 summit, I have nothing to offer at the moment.”

Sources cited by Hindustan Times (HT) suggest that the odds of President Xi Jinping attending the G20 Summit hosted by India are “extremely low.” Instead, China is expected to be represented by Premier Li Qiang.

This potential absence would mark a departure from Xi’s track record, as he had attended all in-person G20 summits from 2013 to 2019. The break in attendance was attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic, which led to restrictive regulations on travel and gatherings.

The G20 Summit is scheduled to take place in New Delhi from September 8 to 10, and last month, the White House confirmed President Biden’s travel plans to India to attend the Leaders’ Summit. However, with both President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin missing from the event, it raises questions about the collective representation of global superpowers.

President Xi’s last visit to India was in 2019 for the second edition of an informal summit in Mamallapuram. The absence of his participation at this year’s G20 Summit could have implications on bilateral and global relations, discussions on pressing international issues, and coordination on matters of economic significance.

As the global community awaits official confirmation on President Xi Jinping’s attendance, his possible absence casts a shadow over the G20 Summit, where world leaders are expected to address critical challenges ranging from the ongoing pandemic recovery to climate change and economic stability.

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