Varanasi international cricket stadium will accommodate 30,000 spectators

RNS: Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated a momentous chapter in Varanasi’s sporting history as he laid the foundation stone for the forthcoming International Cricket Stadium on Saturday.

The stadium, envisioned as a magnificent tribute to the city’s rich cultural heritage, is set to accommodate nearly 30,000 spectators at any given time, with an estimated cost of Rs 330 crore, as revealed in a press release by the Uttar Pradesh government.

Embodying the true essence of Kashi, the design of the stadium promises to be a visual marvel. The press release further detailed that the stadium’s roof coverings will feature crescent shapes, while its floodlights will be designed like tridents, with patterns mimicking bel leaves. One of the stadium buildings will even be fashioned like a ‘damru,’ adding a touch of spiritual symbolism to the architectural marvel.

Prime Minister Modi, during the foundation stone-laying ceremony, noted, “One Shiv Shakti location is on the moon, and the other is here in Kashi,” emphasizing the deep-rooted spiritual significance of the city. He congratulated all stakeholders on achieving this historic milestone.

The property earmarked for the international cricket stadium in Varanasi is valued at Rs 121 crore. Notably, the spectator gallery will be modeled after the iconic stairs of Varanasi’s ghats, providing a unique and culturally rich viewing experience for cricket enthusiasts.

Situated along the Ring Road in the Rajatalab region, the stadium’s construction project is projected to reach completion by December 2025, according to the press release.

In addition to the international cricket stadium, Prime Minister Modi underscored the government’s commitment to bolstering sports facilities in Varanasi.

He stated that a significant investment of Rs 400 crore is being directed towards the Sigra stadium, which will encompass facilities for over 50 sports disciplines. This multifaceted approach aims to provide world-class sports facilities to the youth of Kashi, fostering a culture of sports and fitness in the region.

The International Cricket Stadium in Varanasi is poised to become a symbol of pride and an emblem of the city’s historical and cultural significance, offering sports enthusiasts an exceptional experience while contributing to the development of the local sports ecosystem.

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