RNS: Veteran Bollywood actor Rishi Kapoor has died at 67 on Thursday morning. He breathed his last at the HN Reliance Foundation Hospital in Mumbai; admitted to hospital on Wednesday morning after his health deteriorated.
“Our dear Rishi Kapoor passed away peacefully at 8:45 am in hospital today after a two-year battle with leukemia,” said the family member.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted, “Multifaceted, endearing and lively…this was Rishi Kapoor Ji. He was a powerhouse of talent. I will always recall our interactions, even on social media. He was passionate about films and India’s progress. Anguished by his demise. Condolences to his family and fans. Om Shanti.”
Amitabh Bachchan tweeted the news saying he was devastated. “He’s GONE .. ! Rishi Kapoor .. gone .. just passed away .. I am destroyed !” wrote Amitabh, who has been a friend and colleague of Rishi’s for years.
Rahul Gandhi tweeted, This is a terrible week for Indian cinema, with the passing of another legend, actor Rishi Kapoor. A wonderful actor, with a huge fan following across generations, he will be greatly missed. My condolences to his family, friends & fans all over the world, at this time of grief.
According to the media reports, Rishi Kapoor was diagnosed with cancer in 2018, following which the actor was in New York for more than a year to receive treatment. While he returned to India this year, he had again been hospitalised in New Delhi in early February, while on a visit to New Delhi.