Bokaro Steel Plant sets new records in 2020

Bokaro: Bokaro Steel Plant (BSL) has succeeded in setting several new records by improving its performance level while facing the challenges of COVID-19 in the year 2020.

Team BSL led by Amarendu Prakash, Director in-charge of BSL, 2020 three operational furnaces set up a new daily record of 11608 tonnes of hot metal production and a new monthly record of 329440 tonnes of hot metal production, informed BSL Public Relations official.

Similarly, the best hot metal production (daily and monthly) was set up in October and November from Blast No-1.

In the series of all-round excellence in production, a new daily record of 14540 tonnes of HR coils and a new monthly record of 334417 tonnes of HR coils and a maximum of 96312 tonne CR coil productions from CRM-1, 2, and 3 were set up in the last October, which is also a notable achievement.

The production of granulated slag and dispatches, including BF Productivity, Coke Rate, CDI Rate, and CDI Injection, also set new monthly milestones in eco-techno-economic standards.

BSL was awarded the prestigious Greentech Environmental Excellence Award-2020 in the “Recycling and Waste Management” category by the Greentech Foundation for its initiatives in the environmental sector besides improving production.

In 2020 special operations were undertaken to maintain the houses and roads in the township includes the repair of main roads and the beginning of repair of street roads in sectors 1,2,3,4 and 5, and the work of repairing and coloring of houses, which will continue in the New Year as well.

With new enthusiasm, team BSL is committed to setting new records and new excellence benchmarks in every field.


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