RNS: A nationwide dry run for COVID-19 vaccination scheduled to begin from 2 January. Government has ordered 83 crore syringes for vaccination campaign COVID-19 and for the country’s Universal Immunization Programme. The Ministry of Health of the Union has also invited tenders for another 35 crore syringes. The government has prioritized 30 COVID vaccine crore individuals, including healthcare professionals, frontline workers and healthcare personnel.
Earlier, the COVID-19 National Vaccine Expert Group recommended three target populations, including Health Worker of approximately one crore, Front Staff of approximately 2 crore and the Prioritized Age Group approximately 27 crore.
The existing cold chain system consisting of 85,000,634 vaccine storage equipment for approximately 28,947 cold chain points throughout the country will be used for the administration of the cold chain, as vaccines are temperature-sensitive and must be held in a particular temperature.