Mithila Mahila Samiti celebrates Sawan Milan Samaroh

RNS: Sawan Milan Samaroh of Mithila Mahila Samiti, a unit of social and cultural organization Mithila Sanskritik Parishad, observed with great fanfare in the auditorium of Mithila Academy Public School, Sector 4, in Bokaro Steel City.

Sawan-themed traditional Maithili songs were sung and danced. During the ceremony, these songs were used to tie the knot. The committee members also participated in a contest for Siya Sundari and Dala Sajao.

Gudiya Jha was declared the winner of the Siya Sundari tournament. Anisha Jha came in second, and Preeti Priya took third place. The honorific of “Apparel Sundari” was bestowed upon Kumkum Jha. The winner of the Dala Decorate competition was Jayanti Pathak, and Madhulata Jha and Seema Jha tied for second and third place, respectively. Seema Thakur, Vandana Jha, and Deepti Jha served as members of the panel of judges for the competition.

By lighting a lamp, the chief guest, Seema Thakur, wife of BPSCL CEO Kumud Kumar Thakur, together with Mithila Mahila Samiti President Kiran Mishra and secretary Chanda Jha, kicked off the event earlier. In her presentation, the chief guest Seema Thakur praised the Mithila Mahila Samiti for organising events. She lauded them for their efforts and said, “With such events, women who do not reside in Mithila can stay connected to their traditional culture even if they’ve moved to the city.”

Seema Thakur, Kiran Mishra, and Chanda Jha, the chief guest, committee chairperson, and secretary, presented the awardees with their prizes. During the programme, Seema Jha was in charge of conducting the stage.

On this occasion, Sheila Mishra, Amita Jha, Asha Jha, Poonam Lal, Leela Jha, Ruby Thakur, Dr. Manju Jha, Alka Jha, Rashmi Rekha, Anupama, Kanchana Jha, Bharti Jha, Leela Sinha, Upasana Jha, Sharda Jha, Vandana Jha , Poonam Singh, Savita Mishra, Rita Jha, Sushila Rani, Rinki Jha, Indira Jha were present.

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