Vashisht to grace Foundation Day of IIT-ISM on 9 December

RNS: Naresh K Vashisht, Distinguished Alumnus, 1967 (PE) IIT (ISM) Dhanbad, President, Omimex Group, USA, will  Grace the 97th Foundation Day function of his alma mater scheduled on December 9 as Chief Guest and will deliver Foundation Day Lecture.

The Function, Presided over by Professor Rajiv Shekhar, Director, IIT (ISM) during which VK Arora, Chief Mentor, KCT Group and President, IIT (ISM) Alumni Association, Kolkata Chapter will also be present, witness the presentation of several awards and felicitations of students, faculty members, staff and research scholars for their achievements and services.

Several Students from different schools of Dhanbad will also visit the IIT (ISM) campus during the 97th Foundation day and witness the facilities like CRE, CRF, and Library.

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