China announces rollback of strict anti-COVID-19 measures

RNS: China has announced a relaxation of its previously stringent anti-COVID-19 regulations. People with moderate symptoms or no symptoms at all are now permitted to quarantine at home rather than in the dreaded centralised quarantine centres, which was made possible when China declared a substantial pullback from its draconian approach to combating COVID-19, which sparked protests across the country.

The decision that was issued yesterday by the National Health Commission (NHC) instructed officials to stop temporary lockdowns as well as eliminate testing and health code requirements for the majority of locations as well as for domestic travel.

Testing on a mass scale for COVID, an essential component of the government’s attempts to control even the smallest outbreaks, will mainly be discontinued.

The dramatic shifts in policy were implemented after a meeting of the Politburo, the highest decision-making body inside the Communist Party, which took place on Tuesday. This strongly indicates that China is finally shifting away from its zero-Covid policy.

Authorities from the National Health Council (NHC) issued a warning that the changes “do not represent a total softening and giving up on pandemic precautions.”

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