“In addition to power generation, it’s our duty to provide social services” : Pandey

RNS: An eye check-up camp was organized at the Kalyan Mandap under the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Chandrapura Thermal Power Station (CTPS), a unit of Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC) at Chandrapura, on Friday.

With the lighting of the lamp, the camp was inaugurated by Chief Engineer and Project Head Sunil Kumar Pandey. Hundreds of people got their eyes checked in the eye check-up camp.

Speaking at the inaugural session, Pandey said that the management of DVC is involved in social service work in addition to power generation. We are attempting to speed up the work that has to be done. There is an urgent requirement for the participation and assistance of the local population.

“In order to accomplish this goal, a Village Development Advisory Committee has been constituted. We will also, if that becomes necessary, make adjustments to the total number of people in it, and we will do everything in our power to ensure that the region is developing at a rapid speed,” he added.

Lauding the eye check-up camp, Pandey stated that this would greatly assist those living in rural and impoverished areas. He stated that a thorough examination of the region would benefit the people living there.

Setting up the unit in Chandrapura was the direct cause of a large amount of development that has happened in this area as a direct result. At this point, it is very important to keep that development moving forward and do the rest of the things that need to be done.

Those who were found to have cataracts will be scheduled for eye surgery at K Memorial Hospital, Chas.

Dr. Alok Kumar of KM Memorial Hospital was honoured by Pandey on this eve, who also urged the hospital to continue providing high-quality care to patients.

Beside others, Pramod Kumar Jha, LP Gupta, Prakash Kumar, Bharat Singh, Sanjeev Jha, Akshay Kumar, Badal Mahali, Deputy General Manager TT Das, District Council Member Neetu Singh, Block Chief Chandni Parveen, Zonal Officer Sandeep Kumar Madheshia, Block Development Officer Renu Bala Devi, Yadu Mahato, Bigan Mahato, Arvind Pandey, Dr. Laxman Soren were present on occasion.

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