Over dozens of people killed in Nepal plane crash near Pokhara

RNS: At least 40 persons were killed after the aircraft crashed in Nepal’s Pokhara this morning. Around 72 people were onboard in Yeti Airlines operated ATR 72, twin-engine aircraft, including two infants, four crew members and 10 foreign nationals, said airline spokesman Sudarshan Bartaula.

Meanwhile, a few news agencies claimed that around 67 were killed in that crash.

According to the reports, 53 passengers claimed to be from Nepal. On board, the plane was two people from Korea, five from India, and four from Russia. In addition, there was one passenger from each of the following countries: Ireland, Australia, Argentina, and France.

Following the crash, a large fire quickly spread, which engulfed the aircraft. Meanwhile, a rescue team has been deployed at the site of the crash, said an airline official.

According to the Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN), the aircraft departed from Kathmandu’s Tribhuvan International Airport at 10:33 am.


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