DPS Bokaro celebrates with pride as Chandrayaan-3 Conquers the Moon

# Students witness and celebrate India’s Lunar triumph

Bokaro: DPS Bokaro transformed into a bastion of national pride as students, who had the unique privilege of seeing the Chandrayaan-3 launch from ISRO’s Satish Dhawan Space Center on July 14, came together to celebrate this historic achievement and the subsequent successful lunar landing.

A group of 66 students from DPS Bokaro were among the fortunate few who watched the Chandrayaan-3 launch, an experience that left an indelible mark on their young minds. Their celebration of India’s burgeoning presence in the global space arena took the form of a grand spectacle within the school premises. The tricolour fluttered proudly, as the students paid homage to Chandrayaan-3, and a video documenting Vikram’s triumphant lunar landing captivated the audience. The school campus resounded with thunderous applause and echoing chants of ‘India on Moon, Jai Hind-Jai Bharat.’

Dr A. S. Gangwar, Principal, expressed his heartfelt congratulations to the students for their role in this historic achievement. He marked the occasion by personally distributing sweets to the jubilant young minds. The students, in turn, paid homage to the nation’s glory with a moving rendition of the iconic patriotic song “Saare Jahan Se Accha, Hindustan Hamara.”

Dr Gangwar, in his significant address, underlined the gravity of Chandrayaan-3’s success. He described it as a shining testament to India’s scientific prowess and an emblem of the nation’s dedication to space exploration. He remarked, “India stands alone as the sole nation to have reached the South Pole region of the Moon, a feat that commands utmost respect and admiration for our dedicated ISRO scientists.”

The students who witnessed the Chandrayaan-3 launch shared their first-hand experiences and expressed profound gratitude towards the Principal and the school for providing them with this unique and cherished opportunity.

DPS Bokaro was the solitary representative from Jharkhand at the Chandrayaan-3 launch, making their presence even more significant. The celebration at DPS Bokaro epitomized the fusion of scientific achievement and fervent patriotism, serving as a beacon of inspiration for the younger generation.

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