“Employee self-evaluation is key to combating corruption”: Thakur

RNS: Employees of Chandrapur Thermal Power Station (CTPS)— a unit of the Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC), along with members of the Central Industrial Security Force and other DVC staff, pledged their commitment to vigilance awareness.

Senior General Manager and Project Head Manoj Kumar Thakur, joined by Rampravesh Shah, PK Mishra, and Deputy General Manager Administration, TT Das, administered the oath to the attending officers and employees.

During the ceremony, the president’s message was conveyed to those present by Deputy General Manager KK Singh. The Central Vigilance Commission’s PC Sahu, along with Vice President and Deputy Commander Nakul Verma, also played an active role in the event.

Employees taking the oath emphasized that they consider corruption a significant obstacle to the economic, political, and social progress of the nation. To effectively combat corruption, they stressed the importance of collaboration among all stakeholders, including the government, citizens, and the private sector.

The employees pledged to remain vigilant and uphold the highest standards of honesty and integrity at all times. They vowed to actively support the fight against corruption, committing to follow ethical and legal standards in all aspects of their lives. They pledged not to give or accept bribes, to conduct all tasks honestly and transparently, to work in the public interest, and to promptly report any instances of corruption to the appropriate authorities.

Addressing the gathering, Senior General Manager and Project Head Thakur emphasized the need for individuals to fulfill their responsibilities in an open and honest manner.

He recited a poem highlighting the detrimental effects of corruption and underscored the importance of self-reflection, urging everyone to assess their contributions to the organization in proportion to the benefits received.

The ceremony was presided over by Vigilance Officer Rajkumar Chaudhary, and other notable attendees included Deputy General Managers Sanjeev Kumar and Dilip Kumar, Lalan Prasad Gupta, teacher Pradeep Srivastava, Akshay Kumar, Vasant Kumar Mahapatra, and Suman Kumar, among others.

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