GNS/ New Delhi: After S-400 Air Defense Deal, India has made a major deal for Israel’s modern missile defense systems. The government Israeli Aerospace Industries (IAI) has received an additional $ 777 million in additional contracts. Under this, the Israeli company will supply 7 Ships of Indian Navy to LRSAM Air and Missile Defense Systems. This information was given by the company on Wednesday.
IAI said that it has acquired this deal with Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), a government company of India’s main contractor, India.
LRSAM (Part of Barack 8 Family) is an Air and Missile Defense System, used by the Indian Navy, Air, and Air Force with the Israeli Navy. IAI said that with this deal, Barack 8’s sales have reached 6 billion dollars in the last few years. IAI Chief Executive Officer Nimrade Shefar said, “Our partnership with India is a long time and we are jointly working on the development and production of the system.
He said that India is a big market for IAI, so in view of the growing competition, we are working towards further strengthening our position in India.
America and the old ally have emerged as one of Russia’s largest arms suppliers for Israel, along with Russia. Last year, IAI had made a deal worth about $ 2 billion to supply missile defense systems to the Indian Army and Navy. After this, together with BEL, a $ 630 million contract was made to supply contract Barack 8 (surface-to-air missile systems). IAI has developed Barak 8 in collaboration with the Israeli Ministry of Defense, DRDO of India, the navies of both countries and several other companies.