Candidates go all out to woo voters

RNS: Leaving no stone unturned to attract voters, candidates have gone all out to woo the voters. Amidst cruel summer blaze and heat waves, every nook and corner in Dhanbad constituency resounded with chants of ‘Phir Ek Baar Modi Sarkar’, ‘Ab Hoga Nyay’ including other such slogans as the election campaigning by various political parties continued with a large number of supporters and followers, here on Sunday.

Supporters of BJP dressed in saffron, wearing party caps and flags were seen taking part in a rally this morning. While in other rallies a group of youngsters was hired to play ‘Dhol’ along with the campaign. A few party workers were seen driving cycles and motorcycles with their respective party flags.

PN Singh, sitting MP, along with hundreds of supporters, conducted the door-to-door campaign, greeting voters and appealing them to vote for BJP. To reach out to the voters, Singh had interacted with housewives and local youths too.

During the interaction with Singh, few local residents brought up their issues of drinking water supply, unemployment and lack of drainage system, while a few took selfies with him.

At Chas, a few women and senior citizens complained to Singh that the water is supplied for only a small duration, which is insufficient. Singh assured them that he would solve the problem if he comes to power again.

“I stood by the public whenever they had a problem which is why I have had good reception throughout my campaigns in Bokaro and Dhanbad. Public also want BJP government to come to power again,” he said.

Singh added, “People of the constituency love me, they are satisfied with my work and progress of the constituency. People choose me as MLA in 1995 than 2000 and 2005. Later I was elected as the MP in 2009 and again in 2014.”

Meanwhile, his rival and Congress candidate Kirti Azad has been intensively campaigning in the constituency. With a number of vehicles with party’s posters and flags, the party members conducted an election rally and door-to-door campaign too.

During his rally, Azad also interacted with auto-rickshaw drivers, street vendors, shopkeepers, vegetable sellers, and a few others and appeal them to vote for Congress for ‘Nyay’.

Independents candidate Siddhartha Gautam, along with his supporters visited dozens of villages and Panchayats of Bokaro district on Sunday. During his campaign, Siddhartha assured inclusive growth of the area to the rural voters if he comes in power.

“I am not going to comment on anyone or a particular party or a leader for the standstill conditions of the area. If you will give me the chance, I will surely fulfill your demands,” he said.

Besides these, several other candidates are getting into the campaigning mode to woo voters for the Lok Sabha polls by holding multiple public meetings in different parts of the constituency.

A total of 20 candidates are in the poll fray for Dhanbad LS seat which will go for poll on May 12, in the sixth phase of the election along with Giridih, Jamshedpur and Singhbhum.

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